Build a Meal

Guruten (Gluten) Stir Fry

Tofu Shirataki Salad (Gluten free Cold Noodle Salad)


BAM 40: Ikura Don (Salmon Roe Rice Bowl), Shitake and Green Onion Osumashi and Salad.

BAM 39: Teriyaki Chicken, Okara salad, Daikon with Chirimen jyako and Rice.

BAM 38: Shake (Salmon) Rice, Satoimo and shimeji miso shiru, hiyayakko with komatsuna and salmon skin daikon oroshi

BAM 37: Sui-gyoza 3 (3 of 3)

BAM 36: Sui-gyoza 2 (2 of 3)

BAM 35: Cabbage Salad with Sesame Dressing, Suigyoza Soup, Eggplant and Bell Pepper Miso Stir fry and Rice

Matsutake Gohan

BAM 33: Yakiniku, Kimchi, Kimchee, Soy Bean Soup and Rice

BAM 32: Wafū Pasta 3: Sansai (Mountain Vegetable) Pasta

BAM 31: Nasu no Tuskemono (Fast and Easy), Turkey Hijiki Niku Dango (Meat Ball), Negitama (Egg and green onion) Miso Soup and Rice

Cooking Perfect Stove Top Japanese Rice (Update)

BAM 30: Okonomiyaki (American-Kitchen)

BAM 29: Okonomiyaki (Buta Tama) (Easy Breezy)

BAM 28: Classic Osaka-Style Okonomiyaki (Buta tama)

BAM 27: Hiyashi Chuka

BAM 26: Southern-Japanese Build-a-Meal featuring Fried Chicken with Umeboshi Honey Dipping Sauce, Tofu Macaroni Salad and Okara Cornbread

BAM 25: Vegan Build-a-Meal Nagaimo Pancake, Lemon Daikon, Myoga and Red Potato Miso Soup and Rice.

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Potato Daikon Leaf Miso Soup

Sunday, July 11th, 2010
I decided to go with a miso soup with a little flash of green for this build a meal. It's not always easy to get daikon with the leaves on them but when you do, don't discard them. They are great for soups, stir frys and tsukemono. I found this daikon with the leaves on at my local farmer's market. YES! These days, farmer's markets carry Asian produce too.

Ingredients (Servings 2)
2 cups of dashijiru or water and 1/8 teaspoon of dashi powder
1/2 cup of peeled and chopped potatoes (About half a medium potato)
2 tablespoons of miso
1-2 stems of daikon leaves chopped into 2 inch pieces

1) Prepare the dashijiru and boil the potatoes until they are done.
2) Add the potatoes and simmer for 3-5 minutes.
3) Mix in the miso by dissolving in a separate bowl or ladle so the potatoes don't get mashed.
4) Add the daikon leaves and simmer for 1-2 minutes depending on the thickness of the stems.

Peel and cut your potatoes into small pieces like this.
Miso soup potato daikon-potato

Daikon leaves look like this. This is from a small daikon.
Miso soup potato daikon-leaves

Dissolve the miso into the soup.
Miso soup potato daikon-add miso

The bright green leaves make this build a meal come to life.
Miso soup potato daikon-served

tags: Potato  Daikon Leaf 
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Soy Sauce [25]
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Rice [19]
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Chicken [11]
Kyuri [9]
Shiso [9]
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Garlic [7]
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